ASHRM Academy ASHRM President Message Leadership

ASHRM President O’Sullivan’s May Message

Happy Spring! I hope you are enjoying the extra hours of daylight and doing well. ASHRM Academy this April in Phoenix was such a successful event with more than 130 attendees participating in risk management education programs over six days. I was able to spend valued time with members and their feedback was important and positive. Many attendees said they were excited to put what they had learned into practice when they returned to work. These programs are offered again at ASHRM Express, Aug. 5 – 10 in Washington, D.C.

Also, we are offering workshops prior to the start of the ASHRM Annual Conference beginning Oct. 6 in San Diego. The topics include failure mode and effects analysis; standardizing safety event investigations; the risks of social media; a data-driven approach to securing a seat at the table where decisions are made at your organization; and environmental, health and safety compliance and risk management. It goes without saying that I am enthusiastic about the annual conference since it allows me the opportunity to connect with those of you who attend and learn about your journeys in risk management as well as how ASHRM can continue to support you.

HRM Core Program

We are thrilled to launch our latest product this month – the HRM Core program. It is designed to meet ASHRM’s commitment to training professionals new to risk management as well as providing convenient education for the busy, experienced risk professional. The program focuses on risk identification, control techniques and ERM risk assessment.

A big thank you to the ASHRM education team and faculty members for their work over the past couple of years making this program a reality. I especially want to recognize Cyndi Siders, who was the editor, for her dedication and expertise. 

Connecting With Members

I joined our Iowa chapter in Des Moines in April for their Education Day. I was impressed with the sponsorship support they have established in their first year, a true testament to the dedication and hard work of the chapter leaders. President Amy Underwood engaged members who traveled from all across the state to attend the meeting. Vice President Kimberly Wheeler and Treasurer Matt Evans helped to coordinate my visit and I am thankful for their hospitality and for making my visit to Iowa a memorable one. It’s inspiring to see the growth and development of this chapter, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for Iowa’s healthcare risk management professionals.

In May, I attended three conferences for chapters in Georgia, New England and Southern California. The travel was exhausting, and involved a few hiccups, but the minute I was surrounded by the members, I felt revitalized. When I arrived at Lanier Island in Georgia, I was welcomed by President Hassina Jamal and Program Chair Charlie Dorminy. There was a beautiful outdoor reception where I was able to meet risk professionals and learn how some of their roles are quite different than in Massachusetts. Several members wear multiple hats at their organizations such as nursing leadership and infection prevention. 

The New England regional conference in Mystic, Connecticut featured top notch content! I struggled with choosing which breakout session to attend because the selection was so great. I’d like to thank Anne Huben-Kearney and Linda Habibi, who co-chaired the education committee and helped to coordinate my visit. Cara Strauss and Susan Montminy co-chaired the steering committee and produced another successful event. They should be very proud of their accomplishments. 

Last, but not least, I visited Palm Desert for the Southern California conference — “Through the Looking Glass: Risk as a Wonderland.” Activities and presentations creatively aligned with the theme. Allan Ridings, a past president, even dressed up as the Mad Hatter. Current President Terrell Mudrow and Past President Constance Endelicato welcomed me, Katie Carlson and Nerissa Legge from our ASHRM team. The imaginative and diligent work by the Southern California Chapter volunteers produced a remarkable event.

Talented Teams

These conferences take a talented village and dedicated team. Often, the entire board along with a planning or education committee work together for months to deliver these amazing and valuable programs. I offer my gratitude to all who volunteer the considerable amounts of time and skills to bring these events to life. 

I am impressed with what all the local chapters do to provide first class education and networking opportunities for their members. I learned a great deal of new content about risk management this past month. Our profession continues to evolve and, as we adapt to the changes in healthcare, I am grateful for the opportunities and connections offered through ASHRM. I am truly looking forward to visiting with more members this summer. 

After spending time with so many of our accomplished members, I’d like to end with a quote that describes so many in our field:

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele


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